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National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship 2022-23 | Fulbright Scholarship | jobs at Nat Geo

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For students from any nation that offers the Fulbright scholarship, National Geographic hosts the program.
Students will take part in an academic storytelling contest with a theme that has worldwide significance. National Geographic will also provide editorial support for the Fulbright fellowship program mentoring of the applicants. The contenders can also submit their stories for consideration on National Geographic’s other platforms.
To strengthen Fulbright research or artistic projects in 2022–2023, the Fellowship will favor submissions that investigate a problem from a global perspective.

The National Geographic Society places a lot of importance on topics like human ingenuity and human history and cultures. Writers can use text, photography, video, audio/podcast, maps, and graphic illustrations as storytelling techniques. Why are you holding out? the Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Program application is open now.

Apply right away to receive this fully funded chance for the Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship.
The National Geographic Society employs research, exploration, education, and storytelling to reveal and safeguard the treasures of our planet. The Fulbright-National Geographic Fellowship is open to those who have a love for storytelling and a desire to do so. Projects in science, technology, and narrative that aim to protect the land and waters on our planet, comprehend human history and culture, and build a more sustainable future are encouraged.

Country: USA
Financial coverage: Fully Funded

Eligibility Criteria :

Students from any field of study are eligible to apply. For the Fulbright-National Geographic Storytelling Fellowship, applicants from any country (for which the Fulbright award is active) are welcome to apply. Applicants with illustrated experience and talent in storytelling will be given preference. Candidates must have completed at least an undergraduate degree by the time of application.

Applicants of the Fulbright English teaching assistant program are ineligible for this Fellowship. National Geographic staff or persons currently on assignment with grants funded by national Geographic or state department are ineligible. Former National Geographic Staff is eligible to apply.
Applicants can not apply for more than one type of Fulbright U.S student grant. This includes
study/research and ETA Grants.

Benefits :

The Fulbright-National Geographic Fellowship offers the following benefits:

  • Full travel costs will be covered.
  • Living expenses will be covered.
  • Health insurance.
  • An allowance will be provided for material and reporting expenses.
  • Storytellers will be guided for storytelling methods.
  • Editorial mentorship for Fellows will be provided during the Fellowship period

Interested candidates must apply for the Storytelling Fellowship program online. Check the application
Information section before filling the application form.


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