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GRANTS (101): Basic Information on Available Student Grants

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Even though the maintenance grant is no longer available to UK students, there are still some student grants available.

Along with potential grants from foundations and trusts, the government offers student grants to students who have particular needs or circumstances.

Basic Information on Available Student Grants

Keep in mind that these grants are unearned funds that you are not required to repay. Make sure you are aware of your options and whether you qualify to apply.

1. The Disabled Student Grant

You may be eligible for an additional student grant to help cover some of the additional costs you incur as a result of a long-term illness, mental health issue, or physical disability. Depending on your individual needs, the amount you could receive could pay for personal care as well as medical supplies.

If you apply for this grant, your needs will need to be evaluated.

2. Grant for Childcare

It is possible to apply for a grant of up to £174.22 per week for one child or up to £298.69 per week for two or more children if you are a full-time student in higher education and have dependent children.

For kids under the age of 15, or under the age of 17 if they have special educational needs, this grant helps with childcare expenses.

Basic Information on Available Student Grants

3. The Parents’ Learning Grant

Up to £1,766 could be awarded annually to full-time students who have kids to help with educational expenses. Parents’ Learning Allowance is what it is called.

The money can be used to pay for travel, books, and other expenses. Your household’s income determines how much you receive.

4. Student Grant for Adult Dependents

Adult Dependents’ Grants of up to £3.094 are available to full-time students enrolled in higher education who have an adult who is financially dependent on them.

5. NHS Grant & Bursary

You may be qualified for an annual bursary payment from the NHS if you’re studying medicine, dentistry, or nursing to assist with your tuition and living expenses.

6. The social work grant

The social work bursary is a grant that is not repaid and is not based on your household’s income. The amount you receive is based on your study location, full- or part-time status, and tuition costs.

7. Funding for Teacher Training

You could receive a prestigious scholarship or bursary worth £30,000 tax-free while you are in school, or you could work up to a £25,000 salary.

The type of degree you hold and the subject you choose to teach will determine whether you are eligible for financial aid and how much you can expect to receive.

You might be qualified for a funded course to advance your subject knowledge prior to beginning your training if your degree is not in the subject you wish to teach.

Basic Information on Available Student Grants

8. Additional donations from trusts and charities

In the UK, there are literally thousands of trusts and charities that provide student grants for a variety of reasons. All charities were founded with the specific intention of assisting members of specific groups.

You might be qualified for a student grant if you meet their requirements. It is worthwhile to spend some time looking into the options.

You have two options for looking at the information: either look in the Guide to Educational Grants, a sizable book you can find in the library, or look at our member benefits, which give you access to the data online.

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